Wednesday, January 30


Over the past few months I've had some pretty good meals. These days, I cook at home so there's not really much of a chance to explore dining places outside. Buying cheap groceries from the wet market has really put things into perspective. (lol)

Famous Thai food in Sembawang, located in the coffeeshop of an industrial area. Tom Yum Soup, Deep Fried Thai Style Fish and Pineapple Rice are must-haves every time I'm there. Restaurant quality food at coffeeshop prices!

At grandparent's where food is strictly reserved for me.

Went to Viva Mexico with Anna after a friend recommended it to me and the beef chimichanga was If you like Mexican food, just go. I'm pretty sure most of their dishes are as awesome as this. It's at Somerset where there's a row of restaurants including a famous ramen place. Memory fails me.

Pho at Nam Nam Noodle Bar (Raffles City) was alright. It wasn't fun queueing and the noodles weren't what I expected. Noodle texture seemed very starchy to me, it's like they soaked it in something to make it chewy. The lotus or whatever tea I ordered was a waste of money. If lotus can't be tasted at least the tea should be but no, it was like iced water.

I still prefer the other kind of pho where you pour heaps of bean sprouts and some leafy herbs into the soup. That was what I had in US, Vietnam, and Australia so I'm not sure why the pho at Nam Nam is so different?

It's 1.50 A.M. and I'm hungry.

Wednesday, January 23

Daily Grind

A short mishmash of things I've been doing lately that are pretty meaningless.

Like surprising Darren when he was still at the gym. Bought donuts for the other trainers and they seemed to appreciate my effort more than he did. But it's okay because he has big biceps #shallow

Waiting makes you do crazy things

It seems like I've been to my hairdresser's so many times lately. Wonder if she's sick of seeing me there. What can I say, I love her!

Just can't deal with roots showing

It's unfair how my sister cut her hair recently and now she looks like some cute Korean girl, while I look like I starred in a Japanese horror movie. As the horror of the movie. This will be the face that haunts you in 2013. Coming soon to theaters near you.

Oh and I've been forced by my mom to do groceries at the wet market and I must say I'm pretty impressed by the variety and prices of food. Bought 2 huge bags of vegetables for only $13, the same amount would've cost $20 at NTUC okay. I've been cooking a lot at home and it's really a good way to save money and lose weight if you're watching your diet. I tend to eat a lot less when I'm home because I control the portions instead of being served a fixed portion at a restaurant and 'needing' to finish it.

Another thing I've been excited about is this new clothing rack I just put up in my room. Thought it'd be a good idea to hang new clothing items that have been stuck in my closet out in the open for easier viewing and access. Getting clothes out has been a nightmare recently because the already super thin hangers are packed so tightly together. Besides, I love staring at clothes so why not?

Saturday, January 19


Mel came up with that word and I'm liking it a lot.

Warning: This post is full of photos of a lazy dog.

Exams are just over and I'm overwhelmed with possibilities of how I am going to spend my vacation in Singapore. Without spending too much, which's nearly impossible these days.

Left: She hides anywhere when it rains
Right: Being upset with me

Left: No matter how expensive/new my things are, they're her bed
Right: My bed is her bed

Left: New mouse dogpad
Right: Being a thief after a bath

Accompanying me while I was studying

Refer to what I said about my stuff being her bed T_T

Everyone has issues okay.

Left: How am I s'posed to wake up energetic to start the day when I see that every morning?
Right: Gotta start setting some boundaries of bed and non-bed.

This post just became about Sundae. How typical.

Promised myself that I'd be more active in terms of making a trip down to the gym and working out, plus walking Sundae a few times a week so she's not so plump and lethargic at home.

More updates on my life in the next entry. But I know you enjoy seeing Sundae's face here more than seeing mine.

Friday, January 11

1.1 Sarah's Birthday x Buffet

Isn't it awesome how I start almost every post with some shameless photo of Sundae?

My little sister is a New Year baby and it's always great to be able to celebrate both a new year and her birthday together because it means x2 the celebration. Parents used to host parties for her every single year but I believe she has grown out of that. She requested for just a birthday meal this year instead.

Obscene Sundae

She chose the Vienna Seafood Buffet Restaurant located at United Square and during the meal, we both agreed never to go back again. It was a pretty horrid experience for me. We were probably the only locals there.

Food: Not enjoyable. I paid about S$115 and it was really not worth it. Could've had much better food at a nice restaurant for the same price or cheaper.

Crowd: It was sooo disgusting seeing people snatch food, pile their own plates high with seafood, and being really greedy and selfish in general. Guess I shouldn't expect much since it's not a quality hotel buffet but seriously people need to learn some basic manners.

Service: Depends on the nationality of the servers. I shall only comment on the positive experience, which was this Thai lady who was polite and helpful. That's about it.

We bolted out of that restaurant as soon as we finished. Ugh.

Then we went to Orchard to get a cake and shop around. And of course Starbucks to wash down the food as quickly as possible. (Craving an iced mocha now omg)

Pretty Sarah all grown up :')

It is normal to smell your pet dog ok

I love my weird family.

Mink, Bruises, NYE '12

Finally. Seems a bit strange blogging about NYE when it's already more than a week into 2013. But these days, one barely has time to do anything else besides work.

I'm glad I finally made a trip down to Mink sometime in December and got to experience it on a normal weekend. Anything's fun with good music and the right company.

Boring black yes yes

The right company

Weird bruises always appear after clubbing. This time they were on my shin and knee and as usual I've no idea how they got there. Unless someone kicked me? But then again, I always get bruises unknowingly. Like the one below...

A bruise from cooking Christmas dinner :)

So down to the exciting part of NYE! The only photos I have were taken by my phone because I didn't bring my camera, so I stole photos from Mel. Thanks Mel even though I didn't ask you for permission!

Oh before we went to Mink, we were actually partying at a warehouse like hipsters do. We're seriously too cool. The countdown went down here and we had some pretty bad-tasting champagne the first second of 2013. It was a good laugh though *comforts self

And then I got caught stuffing my face. MAJOR good start to 2013!

And another one. What was I doing at that party?!

Awkward moment when the camera flash wasn't meant to go off

Love you even though you've been so mean to me lately

We went to Mink after and it was nice bumping into old friends. And realizing how much time has passed us by -_-

And the night ended with a bang!

Poor furry thing

Exams are next week. May God bless my soul, amen.